ReCaptcha V3
Create a task through the createTask method, and then get the result through the getTaskResult method
If you obtain an invalid token, please contact us. It will usually work normally after we optimize it.
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Task Type
For the solution of ReCaptcha V3, the task types we provide are as follows:
Task Type | Description | Price | Price(USD) |
ReCaptchaV3TaskProxyless | reCaptcha V3 solution, using server built-in proxy | 8 POINTS | $0.8/1k |
ReCaptchaV3TaskProxylessS9 | reCaptcha V3 High-scoring solutions, use the server's built-in proxy and make the returned token score at least 0.9 | 12 POINTS | $1.2/1k |
ReCaptchaV3EnterpriseTaskProxyless | reCaptcha V3Enterprise solution, using server built-in proxy | 12 POINTS | $1.2/1k |
Create Task
Create a task through the createTask method
Request host:
Request api:
Request format:POST
Request Parameters
Note: Some websites may require UA matching. Please use the UA which used by our fingerprint directly. Generally, we will update it according to the Chrome version, Our UA data:
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
sec-ch-ua: "Chromium";v="128", "Not;A=Brand";v="24", "Google Chrome";v="128"
*If you still obtain an invalid token, please contact us. It will usually work fine after we optimize it.
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
clientKey | string | true | Account client key, which can be found in the personal center |
task | object | true | The task parameter object, the details are the following items in this table |
type | string | true | Task type, such as ReCaptchaV3TaskProxyless |
websiteURL | string | true | Website url using ReCaptcha, usually a fixed value |
websiteKey | string | true | ReCaptcha site key, a fixed value |
isInvisible | Bool | option | For the reCaptcha V3 type, this parameter is generally true, if the user does not provide it, it will be automatically set to true by default |
pageAction | string | option | This value must be correct, otherwise the token result is likely to be invalid. |
websiteTitle | string | option | The website page which loads recaptcha, use js console to run “document.title” to get the title |
checkField | string | option | A new value show on reload package protobuff 9, which can do secondary verification |
Request Example
Don't use the pageAction in the example directly! The pageAction of each website is different. Please refer to this article to find it. If you pass it wrongly, you will not be able to pass it!
Content-Type: application/json
"clientKey": "your clientkey",
"task": {
"websiteURL": "",
"websiteKey": "6LdyC2cUAAAAACGuDKpXeDorzUDWXmdqeg-xy696",
"type": "ReCaptchaV3TaskProxyless",
"isInvisible": true,
"pageAction": "examples/v3scores"
Response Example
"errorId": 0,
"errorCode": "",
"errorDescription": "",
"taskId": "61138bb6-19fb-11ec-a9c8-0242ac110006" // Please save this ID for next step
Get Result
Use the getTaskResult method to get the recognition result
Request host:
Request api:
Request format:POST
Depending on system health, you will get results in 1s to 10s
Request Example
Content-Type: application/json
"taskId": "61138bb6-19fb-11ec-a9c8-0242ac110006"
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
errorId | Integer | Error message: 0 - no error, 1 - error |
errorCode | string | Error code, click here to view all error list |
errorDescription | string | Detailed error description |
status | String | processing - task is in progress, please try again in 3 seconds ready - task is complete, find the result in the solution parameter |
solution | Object | The recognition result will be different for different types of captcha. For reCaptcha, the result is gRecaptchaResponse in the object. |
gRecaptchaResponse | string | Recognition result: response value, used for POST or simulated submission to the target website. The validity period is generally 120s, it is recommended to use within 60s |
Response Example
Response Description
Successful recognition: when errorId is equal to 0 and status is equal to ready, the result is in the solution.
Identifying: When errorId is 0 and status is processing, please try again after 3 seconds.
An error occurred: when the errorId is greater than 0, please understand the error information according to the errorDescription All error descriptions