Exchange rate: $1 = 10000 Points
| Task Type | Description | Price | Price(USD) |
ReCaptcha V2 | ReCaptchaV2TaskProxyless | reCaptcha V2 solution, using server built-in proxy | 6 POINTS | $0.6/1k |
ReCaptchaV2TaskProxylessS9 | reCaptcha V2 High-scoring solutions, use the server's built-in proxy | 12 POINTS | $1.2/1k | |
RecaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyless | reCaptcha V2 Enterprise solution, using server built-in proxy | 12 POINTS | $1.2/1k | |
ReCaptchaV2STaskProxyless | reCaptcha V2 with s parameter solution, using server built-in proxy | 6 POINTS | $0.6/1k | |
RecaptchaV2SEnterpriseTaskProxyless | reCaptcha V2 Enterprise with s parameter solution, using server built-in proxy | 12 POINTS | $1.2/1k | |
ReCaptcha V3 | ReCaptchaV3TaskProxyless | reCaptcha V3 solution, using server built-in proxy | 8 POINTS | $0.8/1k |
ReCaptchaV3TaskProxylessS9 | reCaptcha V3 High-scoring solutions, use the server's built-in proxy and get token of score 0.9 | 12 POINTS | $1.2/1k | |
ReCaptchaV3EnterpriseTaskProxyless | reCaptcha V3Enterprise solution, using server built-in proxy | 12 POINTS | $1.2/1k | |
DataDome | DataDomeTaskProxyless | DataDome solution | 25 POINTS | $2.5/k |
Akamai | AkamaiTaskProxyless | AkamaiTask solution | 38 POINTS | $3.8/k |
AkamaiBMP | AkamaiBMPTaskProxyless | AkamaiBMP solution | 38 POINTS | $3.8/k |
Kasada | KasadaTaskProxyless | Kasada solution | 25 POINTS | $2.5/k |
CloudFlare | CloudFlareTurnstileTask | CloudFlareTurnstile solution | 10 POINTS | $1.0/k |
CloudFlare | CloudFlare5STask | CloudFlare5S solution | 12 POINTS | $1.2/k |